15th ICNR - Instructions for Submission of Abstracts and Criteria for Peer Review

  1. Presentations must be original;
  2. The reported study should be either within the discipline of nursing;
  3. Maximum number of presentations by each author: three;
  4. Each paper may have up to five co-authors;
  5. There are two presentation modalities initiated by the participant: oral presentation (15 minutes) or poster presentation (5 minutes);
  6. Abstracts must be presented in English. The author can send a copy in Portuguese, Spanish or French;
  7. Last date to send abstracts in is March 20, 2019;
  8. Abstracts cannot exceed 500 words and must be written in word format calibri 11 in the appropriate form for abstracts;
  9. Abstracts must include conceptual framework, research problem, method (study type; participants; data collection and analysis procedures; ethical issues); outcomes and conclusions;
  10. Clarification issues should be directed to investigaenf@gmail.com
  11. Abstracts will be peer reviewed by scientific committee members that can decide to alter the presentation modality;
  12. Information about acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be sent to the first author before April 5, 2019;
  13. If the abstract is accepted, the first author must register for the event until April 15, 2019 and is expected to be present;
  14. The first author is responsible for all the expenses related to his participation in the scientific event. If, until April 15, 2019 registration is not completed, the abstracts will be eliminated from the program;
  15. Presentations can be presented in Portuguese, English or Spanish, but the support (powerpoint, prezi, poster…) should always be presented in English;
  16. Posters must be printed and readable at a distance of 1,50 meters and must not exceed 120X90 cm;
  17. The Portuguese Nurses Association reserves the right to publish an e-book and in the journal “Enfermagem” with the abstracts and communications made;
  18. For further information please use the Association’s site: https://www.apenfermeiros.pt/ or contact by e-mail to investigaenf@gmail.com